We cruised around the city while Kathleen Edwards played an amazing show. It was hot out, but not on the water. On the water everything was dream-like and swift. We made a slow turn under the Brooklyn Bridge and made up names for the buildings. Joy.
Been back from the woods for a couple days now. I was to go through C's things. I barely touched them, but what I found was wonderful and reminded me so much of her. Today, I am wearing her yellow sweatshirt, her sunglasses, a gold ring, her earrings, her yellow bag on my shoulder. I am dressing myself up with her. I feel like this barn, dressed up with the sun's warmth, that likes the light that pours through all the space, all that giant, empty space.
Happy Fourth of July! It's raining in the Northwest. The house is sleepy and somewhat soft around the edges. It's been four months since C died. Yesterday we climbed deep into the tree farm and let some of her ashes drift into the field of wild flowers that bloomed in a clearing. Open, open, and opening. One cannot help but open.