Well, we went swiftly through April, the way months move and toss you around and then throw you out into the next. And May came so quickly. Cinco de Mayo, our anniversary, Derby Day, my father's birthday, and Mother's Day all came in a single five-day stretch. Now, just as we return to the business of writing, the good staring out the window kind of gig, we're off to New York for more poetry readings. In the meantime, it's Spring in Kentucky and we've been to all the races a girl could dream of. Birds are going nuts outside and the inner chirper is starting to perk up and peek out.
The wild flowers went wild in the wild.
The greens were growing greener and getting under my skin.
Then the Derby came, and we crossed our fingers until they were sore.
And had mint juleps and wore plaid.
The next morning, after the roar of the crowd had stilled, we visited the winning horses on the backstretch.
The winning horse, Animal Kingdom. Won at 20-1.
We also visited, the show horse, Mucho Macho Man (female trainer, gorgeous horse).
Driving home from the pool with groceries in the car I said to Lucas, "You know what I just realized? We live in Kentucky."