Sunday, January 11, 2009

New glasses for new poetry.

For Deb:

How to Give Up—Give In

Someday, unbeknownst to the sorry
lot of the dark virile ghosts in your corner,
the blue moon will actually come.

Bruised by the stone glare of the limelight,
it’ll come to stand in your tenuous doorway,
ready to admit it’s been late in coming.

Leave the indolent lotus-eaters right
then and there, their gorgeous blond faces,
and go to work, your shoulder to the hard sky.

Stop blaming the heat, the weather is
not a response to your desire, or non-desire,
you are part weather, part flower-leaf waving.

Lieutenant of the present room, practice
more of those human blunders, less fast lies,
leave your fumbling empty to the glossies.

You can be taken down as easily as taken up,
leave your arms loose in the hour, your body
buoyed by your own coalition with the air.


Bonbon Oiseau said...

this is just so...perfect. I will really try...thank you for the dedication sweetie...

Anonymous said...


Nicole Callihan said...

Love the glasses!

Eric Lester said...

Stop blaming the heat, the weather is
not a response to your desire, or non-desire...

All by themselves, those two lines are worthy to be inscribed over many a procrastination.

Great stuff.

And your glasses are (1) well suited to you and (2) extremely non-Palinesque.

Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Wowed again Ada dear. You write so incredibly well and touch the deep places over and over. Thank you.

Kat Mortensen said...

I love the "Lieutenant of the present room". I can see I'm going to like it here.
