Monday, April 06, 2009

Jen's for Day #6



shanna said...

this is exactly like what always happens!

(but more seriously, on mammograms, see here (and related posts linked at the bottom too) and then feel A-OK just saying no thank you.)

Reen said...

Seriously. The brush! It doesn't exactly hurt, but it's all twingy...inside you where nothing should twinge. Ugh.

Bonbon Oiseau said...

i am shaking my head incredulously, here at my desk. the visuals are just too strong and i don't mean the pap part and i don't mean in a bad way. i mean it in a "this is the best poem about pap shmears and mammograms ever written" way (and i'm writing this in the small afraid voice of johnny depp in donnie darko).

Maggie May said...

I love this poem and I really do. Plus I also love the girl who was Kevin Costner's girl in Dances With Wolves because there is something totally fascinating and wonderful about her.