Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Dr. Ada's Day 7 Check-in on Mental Health

If I was a doctor or particularly, a therapist, I would observe that the most difficult thing about writing and posting a poem every day is that you cannot afford to censor yourself. Usually, if a poem comes out raw and unready, or could be embarrassing due to its tender subject matter, we can tuck it away for a month, or a year. During the month of April, this is impossible. We can't censor ourselves or protect ourselves from our own naked ideas. Because we are writing A POEM A DAY. This is why it is very difficult and, I think I can speak for Jason and Jen here, it leaves us feeling skinless in the wind. So, if you see us crumble here, it's because usually we can close the curtain... heal a bit before letting you all peak in. But not in April. In April we're naked in the window, probably crying, maybe laughing, and most likely torturing ourselves into a tizzy. Dr. Ada thinks this is actually good for us. Though it might not look or sound good to you. And not because poems are like therapy (I do not believe that), but because writing every day awakens those hidden parts, the parts that desire to be squelched, and makes them parade down the street in all their awkward glory. Tada!


Miss Malia said...

Dr. Ada, thanks so much for making note of this. I was just writing about it last night and it's great to see some camaraderie even if it's in internet land.

Les said...

"writing every day awakens those hidden parts, the parts that desire to be squelched, and makes them parade down the street in all their awkward glory."


(though I've never been in formal therapy that sounds awfully therapeutic!)

Taypee said...

"Skinless in the wind, exchanging glances..."

Anonymous said...

"Usually, if a poem comes out raw and unready, or could be embarrassing due to its tender subject matter, we can tuck it away for a month, or a year. During the month of April, this is impossible. We can't censor ourselves or protect ourselves from our own naked ideas."

. . . or lack thereof!

Thanks for this post, Ada! I'm feeling uncreative this April and have not been happy with the majority of what I've written so far. But I feel better now! : )

Bonbon Oiseau said...

april really is is the cruelest month. i like you guys naked in the window though.