Wednesday, April 01, 2009

NAPOWRIMO Comes But Once a Year!

Hello there, whoever is reading this. I'm Jennifer L. Knox (but please, call me Cherry) and I'm going to be posting a poem every day, along with Ada Limón, on this here blog.

If you don't know anything about NAPOWRIMO, you must not be a poet.

So I'll explain briefly: NAPOWRIMO stands for National Poetry Writhing Iguanas Mojito, which is fairly self explanatory. It was invented by Santa in, like, the 1800s. And Ada and I have been doing this since the dawn of time. You (if you are me or Ada) write a poem every day and share it with the world via the Interschnitzel, or you keep it silently, even greedily, to yourself.

Some people (and 100% of all prairie dogs) say NAPOWRIMO is killing poetry by making it go swimming too soon after eating. To those people I say, "I'm trying to watch JEOPARDY! Isn't there a new Harry Potter DVD you could be dancing to right now or something?!" And that usually does the trick.

Ada and I aren't the only ones who do this, though we may be the only ones who insist on doing it naked. NAPOWRIMO sites are all over the place, like on the blog for Bloof Books, where there are like 1000 poets posting and podcasting. I hear kids love podcasts. I'll probably phone a poem in one night if I'm drunk.

Thanks for having me, Ada, and befouling your blog this way.

Strap on your poetry pants, whoever you are, and let the games begin!


shanna said...

If only poetry could be killed. We could start clean.

Here's to writing iguanas!

Nicole Callihan said...

Woohoo! I love when you girls start writing naked! Bring it on.